Smaller is Better- Decentralizing Power Generation

• What will be the effect of greater decentralization of power generation?
o With cleaner, more efficient technology available for power generation, decentralizing the industry may become more of an issue than most anticipate. Natural gas reserves in the U.S. create a great opportunity to fuel smaller localized generation facilities and returns the option to use the expelled heated water for purpose as opposed to wasting it in cooling towers. The overall effect of decentralization could eventually eliminate some of the remote power generation facilities.
• What new businesses will evolve in this changing landscape?
o The obvious new business would be installation companies of such equipment. Other business might be maintenance companies to maintain and repair these centralized facilities. Extension employment will trickle down as companies or building management teams will need to hire people to manage any equipment as well.
• What business can you see yourself creating to serve this market?
o I could see the opportunity to create a consultation business to help communities, building owners and businesses evaluate the possibility to install such a centralized facility and release from the grid.

What have We Learned? Lesson #3

  • What types of policies on the part of government could promote energy efficiency?

Regulatory policies could address and mandate energy efficiency on virtually every level by imposing constraints on individuals as well as groups. These types of policies can regulate pollution controls by implementing taxes for inefficient energy technologies or impose fines for excessive energy use. On the flip side, they may also offer tax breaks or credits for utilizing energy efficient technologies or even government grants or subsidized loans for creating such technology. Regardless of how groundbreaking a regulatory policy may be in regards to energy efficiency or conservation, there will almost always be individuals or groups who feel they are being wronged by its implementation and more than likely, a negative financial impact.



  • How would you develop a business that has the potential to move this idea forward?

Business would have many options whether it is the implementation of new technology or providing services from existing technologies. For instance, a solar company can “rent” rooftop space, sides of building space or residential spaces to install solar panels to create electricity during the day while offering full or partial electric service for utilizing these spaces. The solar companies can sell the excess energy to the grid while the individual or businesses agreeing to have this on their property could have the flexibility to not purchase the equipment but benefit from the discounted electricity.   I say “discounted” because the end-user would pay for the aesthetically displeasing look of the units on their property. The customer could have the option to sign a contract so there is an opportunity to release them from the agreement if they so choose.

Renewables vs Nuclear & A Niche

  • Why are renewable energy projects failing to receive the same degree of support from the financial community and the government that nuclear does?

Despite the obvious fact of the high level of energy production nuclear provides, it does so at a much lower overall cost than renewable energy while maintaining zero emissions. Furthermore, renewable energy has its difficulty integrating into the grid.¹ Nuclear continues to outdo renewable energy given the open debate between pro-nuclear and anti-nuclear parties.



  • What niche opportunities do you see for entrepreneurs in the global development of renewable energy sources?

There are more niche opportunities regarding global development of renewable energy than most people might understand. Spray on solar cells/panels, small wind turbines, clean tech training, solar air conditioning technology and innovative biopackaging are to name a few but one may stand out the most in my opinion, Green Insurance. This renewable approach offers discounts to policy holders should they rebuild a home using green material in the case it is destroyed by fire or other disaster. It may also provide discounts for purchasing a hybrid car or limits on driving. Putting this idea out to the public would greatly educate society on renewable energy ideas and force people to research them and seek their use to obtain these available discounts. Great idea!




Hi Everyone, My name is Jim!

My full name is James R. Martin but most everyone calls me Jim or Jimmy. I was born and raised in Uniontown, PA but now live in Greensburg, PA with my fiance, 3 dogs and 3 cats. I am currently working for an Engineering firm that conducts business in virtually all facets of engineering. My current title is Project Manager as I do manage small design and construction projects. I am enrolled in the ESP program pursuant of a BA to help advance my career in hopes to become a PM for Renewable Energy Projects.

My interest in this course is initial to the fact that it is a requirement but I’m sure that will change as we progress through it.

I have not started a business but I have tried and I must say it is seemingly very difficult, at least from a time availability standpoint.

I do often think that a energy/energy efficiency consulting business would be something to do as a small business. I deal with many homeowners and contractors that are ignorant to the fact of available technology that will help them save money as well as be cognizant of the environment.

I look forward to being a part of this course with all of you.

All the best,
