What have We Learned? Lesson #3

  • What types of policies on the part of government could promote energy efficiency?

Regulatory policies could address and mandate energy efficiency on virtually every level by imposing constraints on individuals as well as groups. These types of policies can regulate pollution controls by implementing taxes for inefficient energy technologies or impose fines for excessive energy use. On the flip side, they may also offer tax breaks or credits for utilizing energy efficient technologies or even government grants or subsidized loans for creating such technology. Regardless of how groundbreaking a regulatory policy may be in regards to energy efficiency or conservation, there will almost always be individuals or groups who feel they are being wronged by its implementation and more than likely, a negative financial impact.



  • How would you develop a business that has the potential to move this idea forward?

Business would have many options whether it is the implementation of new technology or providing services from existing technologies. For instance, a solar company can “rent” rooftop space, sides of building space or residential spaces to install solar panels to create electricity during the day while offering full or partial electric service for utilizing these spaces. The solar companies can sell the excess energy to the grid while the individual or businesses agreeing to have this on their property could have the flexibility to not purchase the equipment but benefit from the discounted electricity.   I say “discounted” because the end-user would pay for the aesthetically displeasing look of the units on their property. The customer could have the option to sign a contract so there is an opportunity to release them from the agreement if they so choose.

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