Hello All!!

Hello fellow classmates!  My name is Laura Hammonds and this is my fourth semester at Penn State World Campus.  I’m in the Energy and Sustainability Policy degree program.  I currently reside in Michigan, where I’ve lived for the past twenty one years.  I had the pleasure of growing up surrounded by three colleges which made the decision of where to seek further education difficult.  I chose Penn State because of their online degree programs and their cost effective nature.  I would rather enjoy to work with the oil industry to phase out fossil fuels and incorporate their energy knowledge into a sustainable future.  My interest in this course is to gain an understanding of how to use entrepreneurship in the energy sector as an alternative to going into government when I’m finished with my degree.

Although age is no excuse, in my twenty one years of life I have yet to undertake any business ventures.  I’m shy by nature and business is heavy on communication.  A business that combined traditional energy such as oil with new ideas and technology regarding sustainability might help break down the barriers between the old and the new.  Sustainability is the kiss of death to fossil fuels and those who profit from fossil fuels will fight to the last drop if they aren’t shown what else could be profitable.

2 thoughts on “Hello All!!

  1. Hello Laura, my name is Dominique and I too am enrolled at Penn State through the World Campus as well as a student of the ESP program. You can find my lesson 1 blog post here: http://sites.psu.edu/engr312/2014/09/02/lesson-1-getting-to-know-dominique-wells/. I completely understand your goals to work in the energy industry in support of energy efficiency through use of renewable resources. Somewhat regrettably, I’m sorry to say that “phasing out” fossil fuels completely may not happen in our lifetime (or in the foreseeable future) but it is agreeable to want to lower dependence on fossil energy and increase use of renewables. Hopefully our generation will continue to push toward change.

    • Hi Dominique,
      You are entirely correct in saying that we probably won’t see them phased out in our life time. I’ve always felt that those who can profit from fossil fuels will do so until the last drop is taken from the ground so long as there is a market for the fuels. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find a cheaper and cleaner solution to fueling cars and heating home that will move most of the market away from fossil fuels.

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